Tuesday 29 March 2016

Anna and the French Kiss review - written by Stephanie Perkins

Quick overview:
When Anna's dad decides to ship her off to Paris for her final year of high school, things could go terribly wrong or terribly right. Through leaving behind a long-lasting crush and meeting the man of her dreams, Anna must decide between her head and her heart and find out if her time in Paris (the city of lights and love) will end with the french kiss she is waiting for. 

(Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins )

Read the full summary and check out other books by Stephanie Perkins  on this Goodreads link.

Personal opinion on the book:
This was such a cute book. When I decided to read this book it was mainly because it sounded really adorable and also because I could feel myself beginning to fall into a reading slump and needed a quick and light-heated book to read. This book kind of reminded me of a Wattpad book gone on steroids. Aka. It felt like it was an overdose on cheesiness and cliche. But that just made me love it all the more. And no, this book is not about french kissing, it is about her kissing a cute french boy! Seriously, I really liked this book, but it was a little embarrassing to carry around just cause of the title... I personally did get kind of annoyed because of how the characters didn't just get together sooner! Like seriously! Anna meet (boy of your dreams), (boy of Anna's dreams) meet Anna. Now please date and just be done with it! But... I do understand there would be no story if that happened, but it still annoyed me!
But overall, I liked this book and found it really adorable. 

Quote of the book:

Star rating (out of 5):
This was a really cute romance book. It was very cliche and was quite predictable, but that added to it's appeal. Overall I give this book a rating of 3/5 stars. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for reading this review, this was such a cute book and I will defiantly buy and read some of the other books written by Stephanie Perkins, even if they are just for when I go on holiday at the beach. (Which is actually quite impossible, since I don't even like the beach...) 

Until next time, keep reading!

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