Thursday, 22 June 2017

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor | Review

General Overview:
(I cannot give this book justice in a short overview, but trust me and read this book. You will not be disappointed!)
Karou has lived her whole life with a foot in two different worlds. Elsewhere and Earth. Never really apart of either.
But when hand prints begin to be burnt onto the doors, that act as portal between Elsewhere and Earth. Karou finds herself abandoned without a family and without any hope.
She must make a decision does she want to stay here, or return to a war-torn Elsewhere.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Opinions on book:
I have no idea how this review will turn out, because in the moment I wrote this, my head and heart just couldn’t deal with anything!
My progression through this book was absolute adoration and love at first, and then it turned into strong liking, then I felt like the book was a little slow and then I was absolutely IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK!
This ending was the most amazing and incredible thing that I have ever read and I am actually having heart palpitations and trouble breathing. That is totally okay because I know when I die, I will die happy knowing I have read this amazing book!

Things I liked:
• World building – like this book honestly has inspired my wish to travel tenfold, the scenery was so rich and engaging and I really adored and loved it
• The main character was epic, enough said
• Names! – literally, every character in this book had such unique names! Sure, I cannot pronounce half of them, but I really enjoy the uniqueness of them!
• The fact that this could have easily turned into a sappy love triangle, but it didn’t and instead became something totally unique!
• The creative story line – I haven’t really read anything like this before
• Karou’s family in Elsewhere, literally they were like a bunch of adorable grandparents and over protective aunts! I loved it so much!
• The fact that she was an artist – I found that was so incredibly awesome! She was such an individual character, and she had frickin’ blue hair!

Things I didn’t like:
• I found that towards the middle of the book it got a little bit tedious to read – there were a lot of flashbacks, like the whole second half of the book was a flash back. I understand now that flashbacks were the best way to tell the story, but at the time of reading I was still too invested in the ‘now’ time
• The angel and human cliché – sure, this was not actually that much of a problem because she ACTUALLY WASN’T A HUMAN!!!! But still, during the middle of the book I got a lot of ‘Fallen’ vibes
• I would have liked to hear a little more about her friend from the human world, Zuzana – she tried so hard to be there for Karou and I think a bit more development in their friendship would have been sweet

Favourite quote:
“You were true to her, even if she was not to you. Never repent of your own goodness, child. To stay true in the face of evil is a feat of strength.”
~ Brimstone - Character in Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

The Verdict – Star Rating:
When I was only about 3 chapters into this book, I knew that I would give it a 5/5 star rating. I had already mentally put in on my favourites shelf and everything! But around half way through, I started to question this and wasn’t sure. But then right at the end, before I knew it the book was over and I was on the ground screaming because of the EPICNESS of this book.
No surprise. At all. But I give this book a 5/5 star rating. And an currently on the hunt for book 2 and 3.
Also, on another note, I heard this series was a trilogy! And I LOVE trilogies! They are just the perfect number of books in a series!

Bloggers Note:
This book was finished in 4 days flat, and I cannot wait to get book 2! Such an amazing series and I truly enjoyed it so much!
I am currently on school holidays! (Thank the heavens!)
Are you reading any cool books at the moment? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time, keep reading!

- Shelbi 

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